
Battlefield 1 PC Players Reporting Visual Downgrade After Latest Patch; DICE Investigating

Battlefield ane PC Players Reporting Visual Downgrade After Latest Patch; Dice Investigating

Battlefield 1 received a massive update final week, and PC players are now reporting visuals downgrades.

Last calendar week's Battlefield 1 Fall Update introduced many new features and improvements, including hardcore servers and tweaks to the game'due south Operations way. Additionally, tweaks accept been made to the shooter'due south gameplay, audio, interface, and visuals.

On the Battlefield 1 forums, PC players are now reporting visual downgrades following the release of the Autumn update. Downward below you'll find some reactions from PC players.

"The graphics looks completely different similar it was before the patch. It was way more beautiful. I play on ultra settings, information technology was beautiful, and at present information technology looks like medium. So the graphics optimization means they just made the graphics uglier and then everybody got higher fps? Im very disappointed with the graphics now, compared before the patch", said Nimphas.

"I don't think and then. Looks similar textures resolution was reduced and they added fxaa to everything, fifty-fifty with AA turned off. I can't get any clarity with the image. looks similar I'm running 900p on a 1440p monitor", wrote I-OutRagE-E.

"we need more comments on this,downgrade is huge,dont become it how some people deceit see while in now lost its depth visually and then much,its shallow now...", virtualkill1432 commented.

At the moment of writing, the "downgrade" thread has 29 pages and counting.

Forum user Arrogant_Amigo posted some comparing shots pre and post patch, and summarized his findings.

Wait at the below areas I highlighted from each image posted a few pages back of the same Argonne spot, Pre and Post patch. To my eyes (view total-size), the Post-Patch screenshot;

  • clearly lacks tessellation on muddy terrain path -- see lesser left highlighted area
  • lacks previous (pre-patch) anisotropic filtering/textures -- encounter far right highlight on rock formation textures
  • terrain quality/decoration lowered, notice missing foliage and plants -- meet top left highlight above the muddy path
  • HBAO/shadow resolution or shadow-draw distance lowered, detect cluster of plants -- see middle highlight above weapon

Following the complaints, forum moderator "LOLGotYerTags" commented on the issues, and best-selling the deviation in epitome quality mail patch.

"I know information technology isn't placebo equally information technology is an issue that has been brought up all over the place and I too can see it and then it's definitely non only you lot who is seeing information technology", LOLGotYerTags wrote.

"There is plain something causing things to not exist rendered correctly in the render pipeline, Once Die have establish the cause though, I don't remember it would take besides long for them to push button out a patch to resolve it", the moderator added.

Let's promise that Die finds a fashion to resolve the apparent visual problems on PC soon enough. According to development director Nils Hallberg, the issues are also affecting the PS4/Pro version, and has confirmed that Dice is investigating.


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